This is one of the most exciting and anticipated works that I have been waiting to do. We aregoing to go through the whole Bible using the book of Revelation as our text. Get ready forsome of the most exciting revelations and mysteries unfold before your eyes as we delve intothe deepness and beauty of this book. Many of the information we will cover is the latestthoughts and theories on prophecy. These messages are so timely and relevant, because manyof the events described in Revelation are unfolding before us today in our contemporarysetting.This series is one of the most comprehensive studies onthis subject. In this series, youwill discoverthe events that take placeat the end very end of theTribulationand world. TheMarriage of the Lamb, The Battle of Armageddon, The Millennium Kingdom, The War ofGog and Magog, The Great White Throne Judgment, The New Jerusalem, and The EternalState are explored in detail and with a clarity rarely seen in a study like this. The insightsgiven on these subjects are the latest in the study of archaeology, history, astronomy, andancient manuscripts that make the study of Revelation exciting, new, and relevant.Alsoincluded are314power point slides,12video clipsand 167pages of sermon notes
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